Sunday, November 29, 2009

SF 002

Here's Strange Flora 002 - 5'10" x 19 1/4" x 2 1/4". I'm pretty proud of this board, as it's my first original template. At first, though, I wasn't too happy with how it came out. It seems the stringer is pretty bowed, and the blank was twisted but I only realized it was twisted after I had a lot of it shaped - I was rushing (I really wanted a new board). So after I finished, while the glass job came out beautifully - I did a gloss even though shortboards don't usually have them (I love how they look and I wanted the practice) - I wasn't too pleased with it...until I took it for a test ride Thanksgiving morning in some waist to chest high surf. It was a nice November morning, and though the waves weren't bad, the sections were lining up as well as I would have liked them. But still, I could feel the looseness, as soon as I step on the tail to whip it up the lip, it would go.

It wasn't until the next day, however, that I really got to test it out. Hard offshore winds, almost straight offshore, which really hollowed out the waist to head high waves. There were decent size barrels with nice mellow faces and the waves were really lining up. It was a perfect test-track. The board is definitely loose and has some nice drive to it. I can really feel when I step on the back it just takes off up the face. Shift my weight forward, it trims nicely. I can't wait to try it out again, but already I feel myself surfing differently on it than I ever have on a shortboard before. It's a great feeling.

I really like how the lam came out this time - Last time with the yellow over the lam it didn't come out so clearly, but this is clear and solid black and looks like it could be professional. Although when you eye the board you can tell it's not. Whatever, I ride it and love how it rides and someday I'll make another that's not twisted. But, for now, let's do the twist....

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