...or, Cat On A Hotcoated Tin Roof, or...whatever. But yeah, despite my landlord's best efforts to sabotage my plan to hotcoat yesterday, I was still able to do it after he got done doing what he had to do (and he never discovered my secret surfboard manufacturing facility). So I got both sides hotcoated, both went smoothly, and best of all, it didn't stink up the house. Now this is one of those situations where you apply multiple remedies ot fix something, so in the end aren't really sure which one worked the best, but I A) taped the edges of the door going from the garage to the house, which is unsightly but I'm sure helped a little, B) taped the edges of the attic entry above the garage, because I suspected fumes were going up there then getting in the duct system and spreading through the house, and, most importantly I feel, C) I hung the makeshift chemical scrubber above the board like some strange hot air balloon basket (see picture above). I think this helped most because even with the tape, if the smell didn't disappear, it would have to eventually go somewhere, and that's through the tape. And I could notice a significant difference in smell in the garage right before I put my mask on (which is usually on before I go in there, but I had to investigate!).

The hotcoat went reasonably well, gelled within expected times (except the first time was a bit slower than I would have liked and started to thin a little on the rails, but I was able to add a bit more and everything's cool). I'm happy that I don't get it all over myself now, and what I do get on myself I found out can be washed off with hot water and powdered laundry detergent, as opposed to the alternative: acetone.
I love the shininess of a newly hotcoated board. It looks so nice, like a finished, glossed board. And seeing this makes me think more and more that I am going to do something to cover up that crystallization. I think I'm just going to spray the whole thing after the hotcoat is sanded. I mean, it doesn't look like I'll be using the board any time soon...
But, get a load of this.
The report for Aquadilla, Puerto Rico, where Ryan, Frank, and I will be staying for a weeklong surf adventure. Well, pending my passport approval, but I don't see why they wouldn't let me have one...
Bears a strange resemblance to...
Except, unlike Lee Harvey, I keep my receding hairline covered up with rabbit-fur hats. Enough of this nonsense, I've got to get to work.
Maybe Santa will bring you ammo. Board looks great. See you later!