Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sometimes, All I Need Is The Air That I Breathe...

I was able to sand down the rails today. They blended very nicely into the rest of the board. I just ran into two problems: 1. I ran out of 320 grit sandpaper. I just got a whole bunch of sandpaper with my last order from Fiberglass Supply, but for some reason I just ordered two sheets of 320, and 2. As I was sanding and blending the new with the old, I feared hitting other thin spots around the rails on the deck, and guess what? I did. But only two little spots towards the back (you can see the tape in the picture). So, I brushed some more on, hopefully the last time I'll have to put any resin on this board until a catastrophic ding or something. And hopefully that won't be for a long while.

It looks like this coming Monday - Tuesday looks pretty good for swell, and I'll definitely have this board done by then, and it's a Nor'easter so we should get some good lefts down at Wooden Jetty. Sounds like a good setup for a board test.


Mastodon - "The Last Baron," the last track off of their 2009 album Crack The Skye. I had the ipod on shuffle today, and while a lot of good stuff got played (including some straggling Christmas songs that I haven't deleted yet), I found this one especially post-worthy. It's a long song, 12 minutes and change, but it's definitely worth it.

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