Monday, July 12, 2010

Hope You Surfed This Weekend.

I know I did. Surfed Friday, lost a fin, bought new fins, surfed Saturday, got breakfast at Amy's, surfed again Saturday, pastries, relaxation time (interrupted), Ryan's birthday BBQ, surfed again Saturday, BBQ, skins are the flip cup champions, went to bed at one woke up at 4:30, surfed, got bagels, surfed, slept, got burgers, got pastries, drove home, slept, woke up, went to Doyle's, slept. Now my shoulders are sore and the surf this morning did nothing for me. Three unrelated things:

The infamous traffic scene from Jean-Luc Godard's 1967 mindblowing masterwork Weekend.

Tom Waits doing a version of the Charles Bukowski poem  "Nirvana."

Finished reading the book Vertigo, by Boileau-Narcejac, which was the basis for Hitchcock's film of the same name. The book was really good, and in it the phrase "pale blue eyes" was used numerous times, which instantly called to my mind, and lodged itself there, The Velvet Underground's "Pale Blue Eyes," the fourth track off of the group's 1969 self-titled album, which is one of my favorite albums of all time. Linger on.

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