Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Holiday Swell Predictions

No waves to speak of today, we went over but the tide was too high. Figures, when I have work, the waves are ridiculous, but when I have off, the waves are tiny. On the plus side, I did get to shape a bunch of blanks today, mostly for small wave riding. Here they are, ready for glassing.

I really can't wait to finish the board I'm working on now, just waiting for the order from Fiberglass Supply to come. It's scheduled for Friday delivery. I don't know if I'll be able to finish it by the amazing Christmas morning swell we're going to definitely get, but that's alright, there are plenty of other boards that need to be ridden. I'll have it done by the unbelievable New Years Morning swell, when there may or may not be snow.

Addendum (12/18/2009): Turns out there were some waves to speak of. Went over in the afternoon that day, around 2:30 or so, and there were actually some fun waves. Not big, maybe waist, stomach high at most, but with my longboard they were pretty fun. I took SF 002 out as well, and while I had some decent rides, I'm beginning to realize that while the board works well for smaller waves, it needs smaller waves with some power. I wanted to give it a good amount of rocker for looseness, but I think it ended up with a little too much tail rocker so that when a weak wave piddles out it kind of just stalls. Which is to be expected of a lot of shortboards I guess, and that's why there are other kinds of boards (like my Hobie Phil Edwards model, which I still can't get over how fun it was that day). But still, 002 is a fun board and I can't wait to get it out in some more waves and try it out. I'm toying with the idea of glassing in two (2) more boxes and trying it with a quad setup. We'll see....

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