Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Just woke up a little bit ago and had to pull the tape before I even had my coffee. It worked! I love the look of solid color but with the stringer still showing. And the boxes where the lam is going to go?
Not one edge bled! Even thought if it did it wouldn't have been a big deal, I plan on putting a resin pinline box around each one, but it's nice that A) I don't have to do a half inch wide one to cover bleeding, and B) if I get to that point and there's a swell coming and I just want finish it so I can surf it, I know I can skip it if I want. But I probably won't.
Airbrushing was a lot of work. Many passes and coats and taping, but in the end I guess it wasn't that much work, especially when you don't count the extra work of mixing extra paint halfway through, and considering how nice the outcome looks. Not that I'm out of the woods yet though, I still have to hope there's no crystallization problems with the paint and resin. Some people coat their whole painted blank in a thin coat of clear resin to seal it in, but I don't really want to do that for two reasons: A) I figure if I do that and there are no problems, then I'll never know if just glassing over the unsealed blank would've caused a problems. If, when I glass it without sealing the blank, there are problems, then I'll try it next time. B) I just don't feel like it. A pretty good reason if ever there was one.

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