Friday, December 25, 2009

With a voice as big as the sea!

     Merry Christmas! It's that wonderful day where tiny tots' eyes get all a-glow. Whatever, but I hope everyone is having / had a great Christmas. I'm excited to try my new 7mm X-cel round toe booties out, the past few three hour sessions with my old holey booties have gotten a little chilly towards the end, and by a little chilly I mean completely numbing. But yeah, they lasted a while, long enough, and anyway, the smell is terrible.
     Above is my Christmas quiver. Actually, it's a bunch of ornaments I made with foam rail cut-offs and 4 oz glass (one layer on each side, to save weight).
The resin tints were tricky. Just kidding, that's just spray paint. It was kind of fun doing these, a little like laying up a fin panel or glassing a wood fin (even though I've never done the latter, but it from what I've read it seems like it). And speaking of wood fin...
...a flex fin for added drive out of turns. That will come in handy when hanging off the Christmas tree. Maybe next year I'll make more. Taking custom orders now. Wait time, about 12 months....

1 comment:

  1. These are sure to become collectors items.
